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Premium Wordpress Themes Downloads for Free

Posted by Fun Guru on

WP-Chatter is another advanced premium WordPress theme developed by Solostream. In it, we’ve integrated the latest and greatest functionality available in WordPress version 2.8. We’ve also implemented a rather expansive control panel that makes it easy to change and tweak the many available options.....

Wordpress Themes

Professional Blogger Templates for Free Downloads

Posted by Fun Guru on

Mahusay template is one of my favorite templates in the recent past. This template has all the features that a professional template needs. Bascially, Mahusay Blogger Template is a two column template that was originally created by PaddSolutions.....

Blogger Templates

Free Downloads of Scripts, Softwares

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PHPBB FLASH CHAT MODULE-FlashComs chat and messenger applications are fully compatible with php bb. They are positioned to be the most innovative and feature-rich applications among flash based solutions. Video/audio options as well as basic text chatting provide real time communication experience to website.....

Downloads Softwares

All Clone Scripts Download for Free

Posted by Fun Guru on

D-Park Pro is an easy domain parking solution. It is a powerful script that can create parking pages for all your domains on one hosting account. The script automatically manages content shown per domain. The built in control panel allows you to customize content for each domain name. It takes just minutes to setup our exclusive domain parking software.....

Clone Scripts

Everything About Blogging- Tips and Tutorials

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This post will explain you how to add the automatic read more hack for all posts including a thumbnail, if the post has got a picture in it. If the post has not got any picture, it just shows a small summary of the post. Follow these simple to install this hack in your blog.....

Showing posts with label Blogspot Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogspot Tips. Show all posts

19+ Blogger Widgets and Hacks List

Posted by Fun Guru On 12:25 PM 0 Comments
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Blogger is a great free blog platform that is improving every day. New useful hacks and widgets are being created on a regular basis. Here is a list of some of the very best blogger widgets and blogger hacks that will improve the usability of your blog.

Related Posts Widget
Display related posts beneath each of your blog posts. Links are displayed based on labels given to each post.

Tag Cloud Widget
Display a simple tag cloud in your blog's sidebar. The tags are displayed based upon the labels given to each post.

Random Posts Button
This widget creates a link for your template that directs users to a random post when clicked on.
Read More>> “19+ Blogger Widgets and Hacks List”

123 Contact Form for Blogger

Posted by Fun Guru On 8:50 PM 0 Comments
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Contact form for Blogger

Check Demo at My Blog : 

Demo 1

Demo 2 

So, you started your own blog. You created it on the Blogger platform. You write about your favourite things, started having traffic, and now feel that you need to better interact with your visitors. It is time for you to create a contact form for your blog.
Before continuing, there are a couple of things you should know: usually, contact forms use the mail() function to send emails. As your blog is created on the Blogger free platfom, you do not have access to the mail() function. This is why you need to use an external service to create and run your contact form. We will teach you how to use a free 123ContactForm account to create the form you need for your blog.
Please follow these steps, in about 5 minutes, your Blogger page will have a brand new contact form!
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Get Free Contact Forms for Blogger

Posted by Fun Guru On 8:41 PM 0 Comments
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Naturally, blogs include a method of getting in contact with the owner or editor/writer of the site – through comments. However, this isn’t the best method for contacting the owner, especially if you need to give personal details or something that can’t be shared with the entire community.
Some blogs don’t even contain a contact form – they rely solely on comments, but this isn’t an ideal situation should a user encounter a problem with your site (copyright, display issues, and so on). Therefore, it is essential to place some type of contact form on your blog.

There have been few solutions to adding a contact form seamlessly without having to code the form into a new blog post. The best solution for resolving this problem is using a solution that creates contact forms using HTML or using an off-site solution that gives you some of the same functionality.
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29+ Popular Social Bookmarking Sites List

Posted by Fun Guru On 4:09 PM 0 Comments
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Pulling traffic to your blog is getting innovative, fun and interesting. Since the introduction of bookmarking sites, the old paradigm of pulling traffic through search engines and back links has gone on the back burner and the new norm is, social media interaction techniques. I have compiled the most popular bookmarking and social media interaction sites, which can help your blog expand its reach with minimum efforts.

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15+ Definitive List of Web Site Trackers

Posted by Fun Guru On 3:38 PM 0 Comments
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Tracking your blog traffic is an essential part of your blog tweaking and optimization process. It not only gives you the statistics about the volume of traffic on your blog, but other details as well, like demographics, behavior pattern of the visitors. This vital data helps in optimizing the blog components and make it much better experience for the visitors. There are many site trackers available on web, giving tons of features to their subscribers. While some are free, others provide premium features on monthly subscription fee. Let us see the most popular site trackers available at our disposal to track our blog statistics.

Read More>> “15+ Definitive List of Web Site Trackers”
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YouTube is filled with tons of resources for bloggers. There are thousands of videos about blogging, search engine optimization, web design, blog tools, analytics and much more. Here is a comprehensive list of best YouTube videos for bloggers.

Read More>> “27+ Best YouTube Videos To Improve Bloggers Efficiency”
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Almost every blogger is familiar with discussion forums and take active part in it. They are a good source to learn and share the knowledge. Some popular discussion forums also send huge traffic to blogs. If you want to take your blog to the next level, then you must join these forums. Participating in these forums will give you firm ground of the blogging basics,and will also give good exposure to your blog.

Read More>> “11+ Popular Discussion and SEO Forums For Bloggers”
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Social Media has emerged as a strategic business promoting tool for virtually every organization with online presence, to gain rapid exposure on Internet. Investing in social media has become a norm in large number of companies for getting better feedback, low cost passive advertising and valuable direct interaction with customers. Today, demand of social media experts is growing, as more and more companies are offering the position of Social Media Expert (SME) within their web promotion department. Here is a comprehensive list of resources that will give you that edge over others to leverage the full benefits of social media.

Read More>> “200+ Best Social Media Resources for Bloggers”
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Blogger platform has undergone major improvements in last two years. Not only the blogger development team has added several new features to the platform,, but countless new blogger templates are being developed around the globe. Here are some best widgets and plugins for blogger powered blog that can spice up your blog for better reader experience.

Read More>> “29+ Best Blogger Widgets And Plugins For Your Blog”

23+ BestTwitter Desktop Clients For Mac

Posted by Fun Guru On 12:50 PM 0 Comments
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Since twitter has gone mainstream, the supporting applications and services are sprouting up like wildfire on Internet. Prominent among these applications are twitter desktop clients available for almost every platform. These handy applications help you manage your twitter activities in a much easier way than managing via web interface. Here's a list of select twitter clients for Mac platform.

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Presently, the best ad format for a blog is 125x125. You may check out great blogs like ProBlogger, BloggerBuster, etc... These people use 125x125 ad spaces mostly rather than any other ad format. These dimensions are very perfect to display text and banner ads attractively and more over, they remain in the side bar permanently and do not interfere much with the blog's content.

Read More>> “How To Add 125x125 Ad Spots To Your Blog at Side Bar”
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It is very important as a new blogger that you gain good readership and commentators. It is only possible if you display your blogs to others. As always, one easy method that you can adopt to increase your traffic is to use sites like EasyHits4U, TrafficSwarm, etc.. The most important thing that you need to do in order to increase the traffic to your blog is to submit your blog/site to various Search Engines.

I found the above site that will submit your site to various search engines. However, I suggest you to index your blog individually with Google. You may visit Google WebMaster Tools for indexing your blog with Google. Though, Google automatically recognizes your blog and keywords if your content is unique, it is still better to index your blog separately with Google. I will soon let you know how to index your blog with Google in my later posts.

Similarly, You can submit your site to Yahoo! Search Engine too here. I would prefer you to submit your blog to Google and Yahoo! separately while submission to other search engines can be done with the help of site that is mentioned in the above banner. The reason behind this is that many people use either Google or Yahoo! as to search things around the web.

Also, I recently found a easy method that will increase your Alexa rank within few weeks. This is simply because of using geographic traffic. It simply means persons visiting from a specific region of the world. To improve your Alexa rank, you just need traffic from America as far as I know. Use Easyhits4U and select the region from which place you need traffic. Simple... So why waiting?? Try this trick!!!
Read More>> “How To Increase Traffic To Your Blog or Website”
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What is Stripe Ad?
Some call it Stripe Ad and some say it Stript Ad. Let the people call what ever they want. Our aim is simply to know, what that is and is it useful to our blog? The answer to this question would be yes!!! You can convey some important messages to your visitors through this Stripe Ad. Stripe ad is a strip of highlighted ad-space that appears below or above the browser’s web page. You can take a look at the Stripe Ad below for better understanding:
Read More>> “How I Can Add Stripe Ad in Blogger or Blogspot Blog”
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One simple method to keep your visitors stay in your website is to add a recent posts in the sidebar of your blog. The visitor is exposed to more content in your blog. This can easily be done in blogger by adding the "feed widget" with the default post feed as given below:

Replace "yourblog" with URL of your blog in the above line. Now, with the above described method you can add only 5 recent posts but what if you want to expose more content to your visitor. So, Use Feedburner's BuzzBoost to increase and cuztomize your recent posts. For this, you first need to create a account with FeedBurner and then burn your feeds. It is very simple to do.
Read More>> “How To Show More Than 10 Recent Posts in Blogger or Blogspot Blog”
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What is blogger logo or favicon?
It is a small icon that gets displayed once you open a webpage. You may find this in every site you visit. I feel you must change this logo to your choice, simply because if someone bookmarks your page, then rather than the default blogger logo, it will be your logo that is saved in their bookmarks. This is the blogger logo or favicon that we are talking about:
Read More>> “How I Can change Blogger Fevicon Logo To My Owm”

How To Display Top Commentators In Blogger

Posted by Fun Guru On 5:23 PM 0 Comments
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I recently came across this widget from one blog that displays the top commentators in blogger. This is one good technique to show that your blog has got some influential readers. You may frequently see this in WordPress blogs, but not in blog spot, because most of them do not know what the HTML code is to display this widget. By displaying this widget, you encourage your loyal readers to comment more on your posts.

In order to setup this top commentators widget in your blog, you may just place this code in "ADD HTML/Javascript" in the layout's page. You may follow these steps to install the top commentators widget in your blog.
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How To Add Google Talk InTo Your Blog

Posted by Fun Guru On 5:16 PM 0 Comments
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I think everyone know, what is Google Talk? Google Talk is service that provides to send instant messages, make voice calls to PC's, transfer files, etc... People who sit for more hours in front of their PC's will like this widget especially blogs related to my niche(blogger tips, who need help in figuring out the correct HTML code). I say more hours with PC because, you include this widget basically to show that your online and any help required by the reader can be solved instantly through chat rather than leaving comments and other stuff.

This post basically features about including this widget to your blog. You just need to follow some simple steps in order to include this widget to your blog. Follow the steps as mentioned below:
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I recently came across few emails that the previous post about related posts was not working in few blogger blogs. Moreover, the previous "Related Posts Widget" displays all the related posts based on category and displayed the labels of each one of them but, the one in this post will only display the specified number of posts and will not show any labels. Take a preview of the final output.
Read More>> “New Customised Add Related Posts Hack To Blogger Blog”
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Here I found very interesting widget the  "Recent Posts" widget. To start off there are 2 methods to include this widget in your blog. One method will use the feed of your blog, just like the "Recent Comments" Widget explained in my previous posts. Since, the first method is very simple and self explanatory. I would like to skip this method and move on to the second method. This method includes a thumbnail of your recent posts and also displays the number of comments for that particular post as shown in the right. The picture to the right is taken from blog. (Indian Food Recipes)

This post basically features about adding this type of widget to your blog. Follow these simple steps to install this widget on your blog.
Read More>> “Show New Recent Posts Widget For Blogger With Thumbnails”
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I recently came across a blog that had the effect of image magnification. That is, once you click on the picture in a post, the magnifies. So, I found a hack to implement the same on blogger blogs. The script and the hack original was developed by Dynamic Drive. Codes are modified a little bit and have implemented and find what the script can do for you.

I feel this trick will be very helpful to those people who post a lot of photos in their blog and for those who post payment proofs in their blog post. Fine, enough of all bla bla's. Let me straight away explain you how to implement this technique in your blog. Follow these simple steps.
Read More>> “How To Use Jquery Image Maginfier For Blogger Blogs”

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